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Frequently Asked Questions About Homeopathy
Basic Questions
  • Homeopathy Safe for All Ages
  • Homeopathy as an Alternative to Swallowing Pills
  • Health Benefits in Choosing Homeopathy
  • Viable Medical Treatment?
  • Regulatation by the FDA
  • What are Remedies Made From?

  • What is Homeopathy?
  • Common Terms.
  • Using Modalities.

    FAQ's on Cell Salts
  • Bioplasma for the Immune System
  • What are Cell Salts?
  • Difference between Bioplasma and Individual Cell Salts?

    Potency and Dosage
  • Describe Potency
  • Difference in Potencies
  • How to Choose Your Potency
  • Dosage Guidelines NEW!
  • Why 6X for Cell Salts, yet 6C for Glandulars?
  • Potency for Chronic Conditions, etc.
  • Dosing for Chronic Conditions, etc.
  • General Dosage Guidelines
  • Can I Use Homeopathic Products If I Am Currently Taking Prescription Drugs?
  • Does homeopathy interact with other therapies or supplements?

    General FAQ's
  • How Does A Remedy Work?
  • How Long Does It Take to See Results?
  • Why is a Bottle is Labeled with a Symptom?
  • Do I Have to Match the Symptom?
  • Remedy Label- Why Does Remedy Label List One Condition, But I Am Told that I Need the Remedy for a Different Condition.
  • Studies on Homeopathic Remedies.
  • Sulfa Drugs Versus Homeopathic Sulphur

    Kosher Remedies
  • What Does it Mean, if My Remedy is Marked Kosher?

    How Remedies are Made
  • Description of the 2 Basic Processes to Make Remedies

    Homeopathy is a safe and natural method to repel imbalance out of the body and allow the body to heal. Homeopathy stimulates the body's ability to heal with very small amounts of natural substances. more....
    Definitions of Common Homeopathic Terms
    Short-term illness with temporary symptoms are termed ACUTE in Homeopathy. ACUTE illnesses respond well to Homeopathy. With ACUTE illness we often use low potencies that can be repeated safely.
    ALLOPATHY - another term for conventional medicine that uses opposing substances to suppress symptoms in the body.
    CELL SALTS - homeopathic potenized minerals used by cells. Can be used regularly for general maintenance, or for specific health problems. Often used in conjunction with a single remedy or combination product to provide basic support to the cells. more...
    CENTESIMAL - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 99 parts dilution. Designated with a C (or left blank in Europe) after the remedy name. C potencies are considered medium potencies. C potency is often used for seasonal problems and chronic conditions.
    CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY - the practice of finding the Simillimum for a person and giving one remedy at a time.
    COMBINATION PRODUCT - a homeopathic product containing more than 1 homeopathic remedy. Combination products are commonly used in our increasingly polluted world for our complex health problems whether seasonal or chronic. No side effects with homeopathy, so remedies can be safely combined. Remedies may work together to strengthen supporting organs to speed response and recovery.
    DECIMAL - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 10 parts dilution. Designated with a X (in Europe designated with a D) after the remedy name. X potencies are considered low potencies. X potency is often used for children, sudden illness and first aid treatment.
    HOMEOPATHY - a safe and natural method to repel imbalance out of the body & allow the body to heal. Homeopathy stimulates the body's ability to heal with very small amounts of natural substances. The wonder of homeopathic medicine is in its safety, the incredibly small amount of medicine needed, and the rapidity of healing. Homeopathy is from 2 Greek words, homoios: meaning similar and pathos: meaning suffering. Homeopathy therefore means similar cures similar or like cures like. The word Homeopathy was first coined by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of modern homeopathy.
    MILLESIMAL - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 1000 parts dilution. Designated with a M after the remedy name. M potencies are considered high potencies. M potency is used by practitioners for constitutional treatment.
    MOTHER TINCTURE- the original standardized preparation of a substance from which homeopathic potencies are made.
    POTENCY - the Strength of a homeopathic remedy. Potency is shown after the remedy name. Decimal designation is X. Centesimal designation is C. Millesimal designation is M. The lower potencies X, stay in the body a short period of time and can be used safely for repeat dosing. Commonly used for children, in treating sudden illness and for first aid treatment. Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments and chronic health concerns. 30C is a very common potency and found very effective. The medium C potencies are the highest potency sold over-the-counter in health stores. M potencies are a high potency. Your practitioner may recommend you special order a M potency from a pharmacy such as ELIXIRS.COM for stubborn health problems or constitutional treatment. The high potencies may stay working in the body for up to a year, so the remedy is chosen carefully and dosing is infrequent.
    SIMILLIMUM - the remedy that most closely matches to a person's set of unique symptoms.

    Describe Potency, Difference in Potencies
    Potency is the strength of a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy makes substances into healing remedies by diluting and succussion (shaking).
    Diluting negates any problems with substances that may be harmful in their raw state.
    Succussion enhances the healing properties of substances.
    The Potency strength is shown after the remedy name as a Roman Numeral along with a number that indicates the repetitions of dilutions and succussing.
    Decimal designation is X.
    Centesimal designation is C.
    Millesimal designation is M.

    DECIMAL - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 10 parts dilution. Designated with a X (in Europe designated with a D) after the remedy name. X potencies are considered low potencies. X potency is often used for children, sudden illness and first aid treatment.
    CENTESIMAL - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 99 parts dilution. Designated with a C (or left blank in Europe) after the remedy name. C potencies are considered medium potencies. C potency is often used for seasonal problems and chronic conditions.
    MILLESIMAL - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 1000 parts dilution. Designated with a M after the remedy name. M potencies are considered high potencies. M potency is used by practitioners for constitutional treatment.
    MOTHER TINCTURE- the original standardized preparation of a substance from which homeopathic potencies are made.

    How to Choose Your Potency
    Lower potencies X stay in the body a short period of time and can be used safely for repeat dosing.
    Helpful for first aid treatment. Suggested dose is 3 tablets 3 times a day or as needed.
    See Dosing Guidelines for more dosing information, includes information on how to change dose and on gradually decreasing as improvement is made.
    Common X potencies include:
    6X for Cell Salts. X potencies are in tablets that instantly dissolve in the mouth and are an ideal form for infants and young children.
    Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments and chronic health concerns. 30C is a very common potency in the U.S. I have found this potency very effective over the many years working with clients.
    30C Single Remedies economy 1 oz/800 pellets.
    General dose is 3 pellets 3 times a day and less frequently as improvement is made.
    200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C potency well for stubborn symptoms.
    We offer in-stock 200C in many remedies. Single Remedies in 200C
    Your practitioner may recommend weekly dose of 200C potency along with daily 30C dosing.
    High potencies M. Your practitioner may recommend you special order a M potency from a pharmacy such as ELIXIRS.COM for health problems or constitutional treatment.Very high potencies may stay working in the body for months, so the remedy is chosen carefully.
    Contact Us with questions on ordering remedies: Low, Medium, High Potencies or LM potencies.

    Why do I use 6X for Cell Salts and 6C for Organ Support or Glandulars such as Thyroid?
    Cell Salts, Sarcodes, and Nosodes are terms used to classify remedies into categories.
    Knowing the category your remedy is in can help with potency selection - Homeopathic Categories: Guide to Easier Remedy Selection.
    Do you hear elsewhere confusing comments like 6X is stronger than 30C, only to see on ELIXIRS.COM that 6X is a lower potency than 30C?
    6X has more of the original substance, but is NOT stronger. For example, Calc Phos 6X has more Calc Phos substance than 30C.
    In homeopathy due to dilution and succussion, 6X is a lower potency than 30C.
    Stronger in homeopathy should refer to potency selection, not the measurement of material.
    Homeopathic Categories will help you also understand potency selection better!
    Here is a quick overview: Cell Salts 6X (12X if using liquid) is used to enhance absorption of nutrients.
    In single remedies, 30C and 200C is most often used to push away a blockage and reduce a symptom.
    In organ therapy, 6C is used to balance and regulate organ and glandular function.
    Organotherapy, the use of Sarcodes works on the premise that:
    1. A homeopathic gland acts upon its corresponding gland.
    2. Low Potencies such as 6X or 12X stimulate its corresponding gland function and is used for a low/hypothyroid symptoms.
    3. Medium potency 6C balances, supports and regulates corresponding gland or organ function.
    4. Medium high potencies such as 30C or 200C help with over functioning of the gland or organ.

    Potency for Chronic Conditions, etc.
    30C and 200C for chronic symptoms.
    Medium potencies -C remove blockages to health making C the preferred potency for single remedies.
    C potencies are a preferred potency for adults, for pain relief, infections, and chronic health concerns.
    People using prescription medications can use homeopathic C potencies to offset prescription side effects and augment benefits. Homeopathy can be safely used with other health modalities and medications.
    200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C potency well for stubborn symptoms.
    We are seeing increased use and benefits with 200C potency with the complex and polluted world we live in Single Remedies 200C

    Dosing for Chronic Conditions, etc.
    When using homeopathy for fast results, use my 4 Quick Dose Method.
    My 4 Quick Dose Method is a series of 4 doses 15 to 30 minutes apart.
    This is called acute dosing and is meant to get a response from the body quickly.
    Follow my 4 Quick Dose Method with 3 additional doses during the day.
    Continue with the remedy by slowly decreasing the dosing over the next few days (or longer if needed) to ensure symptoms are gone and not rebounding.
    For chronic conditions, follow a steady course of dosing. Journal your progress with the product. 3 pellets-3 times a day is a true and tried dose for chronic symptoms with slow decrease as improvement is made.
    Slow decrease is important to help you determine the correct interval between dosing to maintain health.

    General Dosage Guidelines
    Dosage for glandular/organ support such as Adrenal, Thyroid:
    3 pellets (taken at the same time), or 3 sprays (taken at the same time) once a day.
    After one month, reassess for continued dosing. Maintenance dose can be continued for support of organs, glands at 3 pellets, or 3 sprays daily. When changing dose, please make very small and gradual adjustments to ensure the remedy stays effective.

    *Dosage for single remedies used for chronic health concerns:
    3 pellets or 3 sprays taken at 1 time and repeated 3 times a day. Some problems will respond rapidly, stubborn problems may need gentle nudging over a longer period of time e.g. 2-6 weeks. Slowly adjust dosage for safe and effective response and improvement.

    Severe sudden symptoms:
    3 pellets every 15 minutes until 4 doses have been taken. This dosing is in additional to 3 pellets, 3 times a day.
    Dosing Guidelines for information on strong response/aggravation, modifying dose/gradually decreasing dose and how to assessment intervals between doses.
    What is a Modality and How Does it Help Me Decide on a Remedy?
    Modalities are factors that make the person feel better or worse. A modality can be a situation or condition. Reaction to temperature, eating, drinking, and surrounding environment. If you have a strong reaction for or against a particular modality, it becomes a useful tool in choosing the correct remedy. Using modalities that fit the person as a whole are very helpful when determining constitutional remedies. A modality can be used as a general condition that fits the entire person. For example, a Nux Vomica person will say, "I feel better in a warm room".
    A modality can also be applied to just one area of the body. For example, a Silicea person with a headache, may say, ""MY headaches feels better with my head wrapped up".
    Modalities are helpful when deciding between 2 similar remedies.
    For example, arthritis in the shoulder.
    Using the modality- better or worse from motion- can help with the decision between:
    Bryonia -worse from motion and
    Rhus tox -better from gentle motion, worse after inactivity, such as sitting, resting.
    To feel better with a modality is named ameliorated,abbreviated amel in repertories and materia medicas or with the symbol <
    To feel worse with a modality is named aggravation, abbreviated agg in repertories and materia medicas or with the symbol >
    Some common modalities used in deciding remedies are:
    Temperature - agg or amel in hot, or cold temperature.
    Weather - agg or amel in a certain season or type of weather, cold, wet, humid, stormy, dry, windy, or a combination.
    Motion and Position- agg or amel with activity, or inactivity. Worse sitting, lying down.
    Time of day or night - agg or amel during a particular hour(s), after sleep, in the morning, noon, after midnight, etc.
    Food - agg or amel during or after a meal, drinking fluids, drinking hot or cold liquids.
    Application - agg or amel with cold applications, warm applications, massage, heavy pressure, light touch.
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    Can I Use Homeopathic Products If I Am Currently Taking Prescription Drugs?
    Does Homeopathy Interact with Other Therapies or Supplements?

    Homeopathy can be safely taken with over-the-counter drugs or prescription medications. Homeopathy works on a different, more subtle cellular level in the body and does not interact with other medications or therapies.
    Many people will use homeopathy to offset prescription side effects and augment benefits. There are no contraindications to the use of homeopathy. As always, if you are under a doctor's care, ask when you can use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) such as homeopathy.
    Homeopathy should be an important part of your health plan that includes additional health modalities and health therapies. Homeopathy can be safely used with herbs and supplements.
    Conventional medicines when combined with other medicines cause side effects and serious to life threatening results.
    Homeopathy is without side effects. How is that possible? Because Homeopathy is based on Provings and the Homeopathic Law of Similars.
    This is in contrast to conventional drugs that are selected because of their chemical or suppressive action in a human body.
    All conventional medications have side effects on the body because they are forcing the body to act a certain way.
    Homeopathic Law of Similars is based on certain characteristic symptoms being the key to choosing a remedy.
    A substance which may in a large dose cause undesirable symptoms, can in homeopathic potency repel these similar symptoms out of your system and the body rebalances and heals.
    In homeopathy the Law of Potentization is using the magic of the mininum, that is the smallest dose needed.
    By extreme dilution and Homeopathic potentization, curative properties are enhanced and poisonous and undesirable side effects ameliorated.

    Remedy Label- Why Does Remedy Label List One Condition, But I Am Told that I Need the Remedy for a Different Condition.
    The label MAY list one or two specific symptoms. This labeling is nice to have when purchasing homeopathic remedies without any guidance. With some of the keynote symptoms on the bottle- help is right on the bottle.
    There just isn't space on the bottle to list all the indications. This can be disconcerting if you were told to take a remedy for a headache, but the remedy label indicates it is for diarrhea! Are there many symptoms that homeopathic remedies can help balance. YES!
    I also hear the question worded, "A Health Professional told me to take this remedy for my problem, but what I read online is different".
    Homeopathy is not a simplistic science. There is not just one match for a sore throat. Neither is there just one use per remedy! Wow, would our lives be more simple if every remedy was only for one health complaint. Or that everyone with the same constitutional type were the same in behavior and health problems. Our lives would definitely be more simple if all descriptions of a remedy in all books, online, or from Health Professionals were exactly the same!
    In reality, each book, or Health Professional, or online description, captures the flavor and emphasis that the author wishes to impart.
    Why are remedy descriptions not the same? Some reasons are:
    a. The author has personal experiences/ successes that offer additional information.

    b. Authors use different resource material. Materia medicas themselves differ. Information from Provings may be condensed or written in modern terminology.

    c. The author also uses their own expertise to interpret source material.

    d. Emphasis may be according to the theme of the book or article.

    Don't make the mistake of not taking the remedy given by your Health Professional because a book's description doesn't list your symptom or illness.
    A rubric is the symptom heading and short symptom description in Repertories. Most of us describe our symptoms in ways that are not identical to the way symptoms were described during the remedy's Proving. Rubrics and possible matches also vary from book to book. As you study homeopathy, you realize the art and science of finding a good remedy match and why there is not one pat remedy per symptom, or just one way to describe a remedy. If your health professional recommended the remedy, direct your questions to them to find out how the remedy was chosen specifically for you.

    How Long Does It Take To See Results?
    Can I Repeat the Remedy If the Symptoms Return?

    In certain cases such as, Acute cases, taking a remedy once or twice will remove the imbalance.
    Injuries, temporary illness may need frequent doses, as often as every 1/2 hour, but after a day no more treatment is needed.
    Remedies often need to be taken longer in chronic conditions. Remedies often need to be taken longer because we still have the stressor in our lives that caused the imbalance.
    Homeopathic Remedies are safe and natural. They do not become less effective taken over time or build up in the system. Homeopathics remove imbalances from the body, and allows the body to heal itself. Homeopathic products can be a part of our daily lives as we treat acute illness, first aid, chronic conditions and use Cell Salts for basic health.

    Here is further indepth information on, "How long does it take for the remedy to work?"
    First studythe principles of Homeopathy, such as
    the Law of Similars,
    Law of Provings,
    along with Hering's Laws of the direction of cure, to understand how homeopathy works.

    Homeopathic remedies differ from taking prescription drugs, herbs, supplements, and drugstore over the counter medicine. Homeopathy is not harsh to the system, doesn't cause a healing crisis,and doesn't work by suppression or covering up symptoms,

    In Homeopathy we are dealing with finding the remedy that allows the body to heal itself, so there are no absolutes in how long a remedy will take, or if we will need to take the remedy more than once, or if another remedy will be needed.

    I use homeopathy in sudden illness and first aid situations and usually get immediate relief. Even in chronic cases, we all know of those who enjoy instant turn around in their health, due to finding and taking the Simillimum and not having blocks for the remedy to act.

    The question of how long it takes for a remedy to work is actually a deep question about the complex issue of all the factors involved in Your Own Health or Dis-ease.
    Factors such as,
    What stress brought on the disease?
    Are the same stresses still a constant in your life?
    What stages of the illness have you gone through?
    Is this a chronic condition?
    How long have you been out of balance?
    What role does heredity play in your health weaknesses?
    What condition of health are you in generally?
    Is your lymphatic system and glands on overload?
    How sensitive are you to environmental pollutants?
    What complex issues are part of your dis-ease?
    Do you suffer from food allergies?
    Do you have many additional health complaints?
    Is your immune system efficient or is it always on high or low?
    Are you suffering from a chronic low-grade infection?
    Have you addressed the emotional factors that relate to your physical complaints?
    Are you altering your diet to best conform to your system, your health problems, your homeopathic remedy?
    Are you nurturing yourself?
    Are you obtaining the optimum amount of sleep for your system?
    Do you alternate your mental and physical demands to keep a balance in your mental and physical well being?

    Is Homeopathy an alternative to swallowing pills?
    Yes, homeopathy is an excellent alternative to those who can't swallow large pills or have digestive problems. Most homeopathic remedies are in small tablets that instantly dissolve in your mouth. Through the saliva, they are absorbed, bypassing the need for further digestion. Homeopathic remedies usually have no taste, or if there is a taste, it is mild and sweet. Homeopathy is a wonderful solution for those with sensitive digestive systems. Children also love homeopathics, with no large capsules to swallow or bad tasting liquids. Homeopathic remedies can also be purchased as liquids or dissolved in water.

    Studies on Homeopathic Remedies.
    Provings on humans are done on substances before they become homeopathic remedies available for consumers.
    For more information see Homeopathic Principles and Provings
    Clinical trials are done on combination products.
    Double blind studies are difficult. This is due to homeopathy being so individualized. One remedy may be indicated for many different symptoms.
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    Sulfa Drugs versus Homeopathic Sulphur
    FAQ on homeopathic Sulphur versus people who are allergic to sulfa drugs:
    Homeopathic remedies containing Sulphur (or spelled sulfur) have no connection with sulfa drugs.
    Sulphur is an element of the earth. Sulphur is essential to life and prevalent in the human body.
    No one is allergic to Sulphur itself. Sulfa drugs can cause allergenic reactions when a
    sulfonamide molecule is metabolized in the body and attaches to proteins.
    Sulphur products can be used by sulfa sensitive individuals, since is not the same as sulfa drugs .
    Homeopathic Sulphur is used for skin ailments, including rashes, eczema,and psoriasis. Sulphur lessens
    symptoms of itching, burning, rough, hard, scaly skin. Sulphur helps to promote healthy nails and hair.

    If My Remedy Says it is Kosher, What Does This Mean?
    Kosher parve product. The Kosher parve symbol is very useful for people with food allergies, vegetarians and vegans.
    Guarantee that a remedy so marked is meat and dairy/casein free.
    Pellets have trace amounts of sucrose and food grade corn starch.

    What are the 2 Basic Processes Available in Making Remedies?
    Most of our nosodes, sarcodes/organ remedies, and glandulars are under ELIXIRS.COM private label, utilizing European method MGA (magnetic coding) technology. This safe process method allows remedies to be made without contamination or use of bacteria. This method provides safety and effective remedies. Our educational site can help you make informed decisions for your own health protection.

    All homeotherapeutic and homeopathic manufacturing processes are designed to extract the energetic signature or magnetic code of the original substance and then amplify it.
    The Magnetic - Mechanical method, as the name implies, uses direct application of magnetic energy to create a remedy. Using this method, a remedy is made by passing a magnetic field through a waveguide, created from the original substance, into an alcohol/water solution. The alcohol/water solution absorbs the magnetic field, in a process similar to the way a recording is made on an audio or videotape. Magnetic fields applied in this way are a common everyday occurrence, leaving behind a detectable magnetic field called remanence.
    ELIXIRS.COM's private label company is highly regulated and is overseen by the following agencies: FDA; Federal and States Department of Agriculture; Quality Assurance International (Organic certification); KOF-K (Kosher supervision); DOA/ATF (for tablet manufacturing and alcohol handling); WI Pharmacy Board for OTC -over-the-counter drug manufacturer.

    The bulk of our remedies are made the standard HPUS/ Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States method.
    The HPUS specifies this method of extracting the energetic signature or magnetic code by starting with an original substance - an herb, mineral, or bacteria. The HPUS method is used for the majority of single and combination remedies.
    The substances goes through a series of dilutions and succussions. This process removes the physical properties of the original substance and amplifies its energetic signature. *The first step in preparing homeopathic remedies is dilution. A common "Prime Potency" is 6X (potency is indicated on the bottle of a remedy). 6X is 1 part raw product-Mother Tincture- in 1,000,000 parts alcohol/water. Minerals or Cell Salts at this potency can help balance deficiencies in mineral uptake in the body. In potencies 30C and above, none of the original molecules of the Mother Tincture remains. When working with poisonous plants such as Rhus Tox (Poison Ivy) or substances people show sensitivity to (such as Golden Rod, Sulphur), the fact that not a whole molecule remains can be useful to show the safety of Homeopathics. *The 2nd step in remedy preparation is potentization. Potency refers to the strength of a remedy. After dilution, the remedy goes through a process of succussion. Curative properties are enhanced in this stage. Succussion is a forceful shaking of the substance and is done after each dilution until the desired potency is achieved.

    Both methods, Magnetic and HPUS are valid processes. Potency and dosing and using the homeopathic principle of the Magic of the Minimum Dose is the same regardless of method.The Magnetic method's advantages are that it starts out with the energetic signature of the substance. Because no actual substance is involved, there is safety when dealing with nosodes, bacteria, sarcodes/organs or glandulars. Newly discovered remedies maybe offered with this method, prior to HPUS method.

    Written by Kathryn Jones DiHom in Homeopathy, M.Ed., Certified Health Counselor. For quotations, cite page: Jones, K. (2020). Homeopathy for Health. Retrieved from http://www.elixirs.com
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