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Principles of Homeopathy |
By contrast, each Homeopathic remedy has had documented Provings done on humans.
Basic Laws and Principles Explaining How Homeopathy Works
Homeopathy offers unique differences from conventional and other health alternatives.
These differences are based on Homeopathic principles.
Often I am asked how does this Homeopathic remedy work for my ailment? Homeopathic
remedies have actual human testings or Provings to explain their action.
Allopathic medicines are often tested only on animals. The testings for cosmetics
on animals can be to such detriment to the animals, we see products promising their
ingredients have not been tested on animals. Many of the drugs and other over-the-counter
medicines used daily by people have no actual proof of effectiveness. We also see drugs
taken off the market when, as they are used by people, they are found to be dangerous-
remember the heart damage done to Phen-Fen patients.
Healthy humans agree to take a substance and have their symptoms recorded.
Today new substances go through this process of Proving and added
to Homeopathic remedies available.
Homeopathy seeks to repel the imbalance from the body and allow
the body to heal and rebalance.
Homeopathy stimulates the body's natural curative powers.
Provings are documented human tests of substances.They indicate
symptoms that remedies can then treat in ill individuals.
Remember that Homeopathy differs from other therapies in its
effectiveness and safety for all ages.
Homeopaths refer to books called Materia Medicas to match a
patients symptoms to the Homeopathic Provings.
Homeopaths choose a remedy based Law of Similars.
This is in contrast to conventional drugs that are selected because of their chemical or suppressive action in a human body.
All conventional medications have side effects on the body because they are forcing the body to act a certain way.
Homeopathic Law of Similars is based on certain characteristic symptoms being the key to choosing a remedy.
A substance which may in a large dose cause undesirable symptoms, can in homeopathic potency repel these similar symptoms out of your system
and the body rebalances and heals. Law of Potentization-homeopathy uses the smallest dose to effect a cure. By extreme dilution and
Homeopathic potentization, curative properties are enhanced and
poisonous and undesirable side effects ameliorated.
In 1790, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, took several doses of Cinchona, which was used to treat Malaria. Symptoms of trembling and cold limbs,
heart palpitations, etc. were noted. The symptoms returned with each subsequent dose. Hahnemann recorded that Cinchona Bark was effective
against Malaria, because it can produce similar symptoms in healthy people.
This led to testing additional drugs, not previously known to be effective, to find their potential use as remedies.
Between 1811 and 1821, Hahnmann carried out provings of many Homeopathic medicines and published the results.
Todaynew substances go through this process of Proving and added to Homeopathic remedies available.
Hippocrates wrote, "By similar things a disease is produced and through the
application of the like it is cured".
People are most often familiar with medicines that suppress symptoms. Homeopathy seeks to repel the imbalance from the body and
allow the body to heal and rebalance.
Homeopathy stimulates the body's natural curative
How can homeopathy offer such a safe path to recovery?
The key is homeopathy works WITH the body.
Conventional medicines oppose the body and use chemicals to force the body to respond.
All conventional medications have side effects and interactions because of this fact.
Homeopathic remedies serve as temporary tools to remove blocks to health.
Once the block is nudged out of the way, the body takes over to heal and balance.
This means safety. This is natural medicine. This means real recovery and health.
Remember the 1997 FDA investigation of heart valve damage linked to the drug combination of Fen-Phen?
Or the 2000 class action suit against Ritalin manufactures for fraud in the over-promotion of ADHD and Ritalin?
or the 2006 court case against Paxil for concealing the side effect of suicidal ideation and high risk of suicide?
Every year, new drug interaction books pour onto the market. Why?
Because allopathic drug interactions and contradictions must be constantly updated.
Compare this with homeopaths and lay people referencing Boericke's Homeopathic Materia Medica
Boericke's classic is still popular and accurate today as when it was printed, many years ago.
That is because homeopathic remedies don't interact, cause side effects or have to be taken off the market.
Homeopathy can be taken at the same time as prescription medications. This means that you can use a
homeopathic remedy to offset a side effect of a prescription, or to offer additional relief of symptoms.
Homeopathy is a family medicine. Safe and reliable for all ages.
Homeopathy is the only medicine safe to have in a medicine cabinet with children around.
On occasion, I receive a phone call from a parent after their child gets into an entire bottle of
a homeopathic remedy. Knowing the safety of homeopathy, they are calling for reassurance,
rather than out of panic. Even with small children, no aggravation is even noticed,
and there are no side effects or long term ill effects.
I grew up enjoying magazines such as Readers Digest and Family Circle. I'm still tempted to pick up an
issue while standing at the check out counter. But when I do, I end up saddened by the pill pushing ads
on every other page. Adding insult to injury are the eye opening and down right scary side effects
listed for the prescription drugs.
The first page of the ad starts off confidently showing a person repelling down a mountain or performing an
olympic sport-no longer fettered by allergies or some other ailment. Looks like a magical cure-all until you
read the bottom of the page. Even with using the tiniest of fine print the side effects are so numerous the
warnings often continue onto the next 2 to 4 pages.
Lunesta and Ambien were both in the same magazine offering free trials of medications for sleep.
They are truely knock out drugs, so be sure you don't need to do anything for the next 8 hours.
Frightening is the warning that you might be seen sleepwalking, eating, or driving a car without
remembering what happened!Let's hope you don't fall asleep before you have an allergic reaction that
includes swelling of your tongue and throat with the dangerous results being breathing difficulty.
Providing free trial packages is an interesting tactic when you consider that Lunesta is habit forming.
People often don't realizethe side effects of a medication includes the very reason why you took the
medication in the 1st place. That means that one of Lunesta's side effects is daytime sleepiness.
Zoloft's side effects include depression and manic episodes. Antidepressants increase the risk of
suicidal thinking and behavior in children and adolescents.
Such side effects point out the distinct difference between homeopathy and conventional medicine.
Conventional medications use chemicals to stop symptoms. But don't be fooled. The problem isn't gone.
Stopping the symptoms, without addressing the cause, and without stengthening the system is
suppression only. That is, symptoms are pushed out of sight and deeper into the body.
A healthy body will strive to recover and remove the chemicals. Too often the actual path with
conventional medicine leads to more serious diseases further down the road.
The current staph infection concern and bacterial super bugs are a modern result.
Each year staph infections and other powerful bugs thriving in our hospitals kill 90,000 people and result
in $4.5 billion in unexpected costs, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A safe homeopathic remedy for staph is Staphylococcinum.
Nosode Category
The importance of using safe health alternatives is increasing in our culture. We are polluting
our bodies from many sources such as the environment, food, medicines and vaccines.
Cancer is now the leading cause of death by disease among U.S. children 1 to 14 years of age.
12 major childhood cancers are common, with leukemias (blood cell cancers), brain and other
central nervous system tumors accounting for 1/2 of new cases.
I didn't think I would see the pharmaceutical industry admit that conventional medications cause cancer,
but there it was in the ad for Humira, "Side effects of Humira include serious infections,certain types of cancer,
Hepatitis B virus reactivation in patients carrying Hepatitis B in their bloodstream, nervous system problems,
new heart failure, immune reactions including a lupus like syndrome..."
Now the FDA allows medications that may give you cancer!
We need more than ever to be able to make educated health decisions.
Bextra was taken off the market in 2005 for increase of heart attack and stroke among the millions of people
on the drug. A FDA analysis by Dr. Graham, a drug safety officer, indicates 80,000 patients have died from
side effects of the drug Avandia. Dr. Rosen said that "there was enough concern on the advisory committee
that virtually everybody felt there was risk" of heart attacks from taking Avandia".
What is even more amazing is the drug is still on the market!
Estimates are that for every month that Avandia is sold, 1,600 to 2,200 patients will suffer from serious
side effects. Are patients that loss of life is an acceptable risk?
What about your pets? With a wide assortment of vaccines and drugs pumped into our pets and
animals we need to look into safe health alternatives for them also. The FDA in 2006 released information
concerning anti-inflammatory drugs for pets, including Metacam, Deramaxx, Previcox and Rimadyl which
have been connected to 22,000 cases of illness in dogs with over 10% of the cases being fatal.
Homeopathy is all about magic of the minimum dose.
This differs from the philosophy, "if a little is good, isn't a whole lot more better?"
Just this month Dimetapp and several other infants cold medications are being pulled from the
market for this very danger. Infants died due to parental overdosing.
A local doctor this month is being charged with contributing to several deaths due to over-prescribing.
Over-dosing is in sharp contrast to homeopathy. Here are some factors to consider:
1) Homeopathy uses highly diluted substances. Remedies are given in minute amounts.
Homeopathy alternately dilutes and succusses/shakes substances to make a potency.
The results are alternative medicines that operate on a vibrational not chemical level in the body.
That is, there is no fluoride in Calcarea Fluoride, there is no mercury in Mercurius Vivus.
Dosing is according to the principle of using the smallest amount needed to repel blockages to health.
That is the magic of the minimum dose.
2) You can't overdose with homeopathy.
There is not a whole molecule of a substance left in a homeopathic remedy, so no poisoning is possible.
Homeopathic remedies are so diluted that taking 3 tablets or 10 tablets at one time is still considered 1 dose.
Even if a child accidently gets to a bottle and swallows the contents, of say Belladonna 30C, a call to the
poison control center is NOT in order, because the homeopathic remedy is NOT a poison.
Homeopathy strengthens the body's ability to heal. I liken homeopathic remedies to how magnets work.
Like repels like. As a homeopathic remedy repels a block to health, the body is then able to take over and heal.
Homeopathic medicines do not contains toxic or poisonous substances.
Take Calcarea Fluoride as an example of safe homeopathy versus toxic over-the-counter drugs.
Fluoride can help calcium bond to the surface of teeth and bones. Fluoride can help reduce frequency
and severity of tooth decay and strengthen the bones.
You have 2 sources: safe homeopathy Calcarea Fluoride or toxic fluoride compounds found in toothpastes
and fluoridated water. Hydrofluosilicic acid is a corrosive chemical derived from toxic gases produced in the
manufacture of phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers; it contains lead, mercury, arsenic, and is the
toxic byproduct most used for water fluoridation in the United States.
see (http://www.sonic.net/ kryptox/environ/lead/lead.htm )
Written by Kathryn Jones M. Ed., DiHom- Homeopathy Degree, Health Counselor. Newsletter Copyright © 2005 Kathryn Jones