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Click for details about Fragaria Vesca 30C 1 oz spray

Click for details about Rhus Tox 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Sulphur 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 10% off SALE
(48)  Fragaria Vesca 30C 1 oz spray  
(49)  Berberis Vulgaris 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(50)  Rhus Tox 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(51)  Sulphur 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 10% off SALE  
Fragaria Vesca is used for softening and removing tartar and dental plaque that can cause bad breath, gingivitis, and decay. Now in a convenient spray for humans. Can spray directly around gums prior  (more info)  
Berberis Vulgaris in 30C potency for urinary symptoms. Use Berberis Vulgaris for bladder support. Berberis Vulgaris calms kidney irritation. Berberis Vulgaris supports the urinary system. Berberis Vul (more info)  
Rhus Tox 30C supports the musculoskeletal system. The musculoskeletal system is comprised of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints and connective tissue. A healthy musculoskeletal syst (more info)  
The terms Sulphur and Sulfur are synonymous. Sulphur 200C is commonly used to promote healthy skin and hair. Sulphur is a natural mineral in the body, Sulphur 200C can help you body properly use and r (more info)  
Sales Price: $22.00
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Buy Fragaria Vesca 30C 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $24.00
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Buy Berberis Vulgaris 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $24.00
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Buy Rhus Tox 30C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $26.00
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Buy Sulphur 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 10% off SALE

Click for details about Calcarea Phosphate Calc Phos #2 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Calcarea Sulphur Calc Sulphur #3 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Ferrum Phos #4 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Kali Sulphur #7 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
(52)  Calcarea Phosphate Calc Phos #2 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
(53)  Calcarea Sulphur Calc Sulphur #3 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
(54)  Ferrum Phos #4 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
(55)  Kali Sulphur #7 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
Calcium Phosphate strengthens bones. Now in lactose free, gluten free formula with a spray top. Calcium Phosphate provides important support for growing pains in youth and osteoporosis concerns in wom (more info)  
Calcium Sulphur is used by the liver and helps in the removal of wastes and cleaning toxins from the body. Calcium Sulphur is also known as Calcium Sulphide, Calcarea Sulphuricum, or Calcarea Sulphur. (more info)  
Ferrum Phosphate is #1 for inflammation and lack of oxygen in the tissues. Ferrum Phos is 1st remedy to use for fever. Safe for any age. Ferrum Phos is the main oxygen carrier. Ferrum Phosphate, liste (more info)  
Kali Sulphur is an important remedy to help rid the body of toxins. Skin problems are often due to poor elimination of toxins. Kali Sulphur can help with adult acne and is an important remedy for psor (more info)  
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Calcarea Phosphate Calc Phos #2 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Calcarea Sulphur Calc Sulphur #3 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Ferrum Phos #4 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Kali Sulphur #7 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Natrum Mur #9 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Natrum Sulphur Natrum Sulphate #11 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Ignatia 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Silicea Silica #12 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
(56)  Natrum Mur #9 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
(57)  Natrum Sulphur Natrum Sulphate #11 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
(58)  Ignatia 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(59)  Silicea Silica #12 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray  
Natrum Mur available in liquid form for quick absorption. Lacotse free formula. Beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or have a dairy allergy. Natrum Mur, #9, is the Cell Salt that regulates (more info)  
Natrum Sulphur, or Natrum Sulphate assists the body in water distribution and waste removal. The mineral, Natrum Sulphur, supports functioning of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, and i (more info)  
Ignatia in stronger 200C potency. Ignatia is perhaps the best remedy for emotional upsets, depression. Worry over someone ill. Restlessness, restless sleep. Ignatia helps with anxiety, nervousnes (more info)  
Silicea is used for improving hair, skin and nail health. Silicea is useful for unhealthy skin, brittle nails and hair, and acne. Silica is naturally found in the body's skin, hair, nails and connecti (more info)  
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Natrum Mur #9 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Natrum Sulphur Natrum Sulphate #11 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $28.99
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Buy Ignatia 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $16.99
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Buy Silicea Silica #12 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray

Click for details about Kidney 6C  1 oz  pellets

Click for details about Thuja  200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Aurum Met 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets

Click for details about Nux Vomica 200C economy 1 oz with 800 pellets
(60)  Kidney 6C 1 oz pellets  
(61)  Thuja 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(62)  Aurum Met 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets  
(63)  Nux Vomica 200C economy 1 oz with 800 pellets  
Kidney in homeopathic potency supports the kidneys. Natural aid to help the kidneys to function correctly. Kidney 6C is support for health protection of the kidneys. Add Kidney 6C to your health plan  (more info)  
Thuja is a top infection remedy. Thuja or may be spelled or pronounced Thuya is an important ear, foot, skin, nail fungus. Thuja is a must to add to your health plan when dealing with ear, foot, skin, (more info)  
Aurum Met is useful to relax the body. Helps on a physical and emotional level. Use to destress in the evening. Calm the mind for sleep.  lift depression, despair, and lack of confidence. Aurum M (more info)  
Nux Vomica is long standing homeopathic remedy. Nux Vomica is often thought of as a first aid treatment for indigestion after eating too rich food. Refer to your homeopathic materia medicas for N (more info)  
Sales Price: $18.99
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Buy Kidney 6C  1 oz  pellets
Sales Price: $28.99
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Buy Thuja  200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $28.99
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Buy Aurum Met 200C economy 1 oz 800 pellets
Sales Price: $28.99
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Buy Nux Vomica 200C economy 1 oz with 800 pellets

Click for details about Calcarea Fluoride Calcium Fl Calc Fl #1 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray 10% SALE

Click for details about Fucus Ves Kelp Thyroid Support 6C 1 oz spray

Click for details about Thyroid Gland 6C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 15% SALE
(64)  Calcarea Fluoride Calcium Fl Calc Fl #1 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray 10% SALE  
(65)  Fucus Ves Kelp Thyroid Support 6C 1 oz spray  
(66)  Hepatitis B 30C NEW larger size 800 pellets  
(67)  Thyroid Gland 6C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 15% SALE  
Calc Fl / Calcarea Fluoride / Calcium Fluoride, $20 VALUE, now $15.99, over 15% SALE. Calc Fl is an important mineral to strengthen bones and teeth. Calc Fluor helps with weakened veins. Help wit (more info)  
Fucus Ves for your weight loss program. Fucus Ves/ Fucus Vesiculosus is from Sea Kelp. Sea Kelp algae is a natural source for iodine. Fucus Ves naturally supports the thyroid.Fucus Ves may be used for (more info)  
Hepatitis B 30C can be used for liver support.  Hepatitis B is a viral infecton that attacks the liver and can cause acute and chronic diseases of the liver. There are no contraindications t (more info)  
The remedy names Thyroidinum and Thyroid Gland are synonymous terms.  Thyroid Gland 6C potency supports thyroid function and is the correct potency for low (hypothyroid) / and for high (hyperthyr (more info)  
Sales Price: $15.99
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Buy Calcarea Fluoride Calcium Fl Calc Fl #1 Cell Salt 12X 1 oz spray 10% SALE
Sales Price: $17.99
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Buy Fucus Ves Kelp Thyroid Support 6C 1 oz spray
Sales Price: $32.00
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Buy Hepatitis B 30C NEW larger size 800 pellets
Sales Price: $15.99
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Buy Thyroid Gland 6C economy 1 oz 800 pellets 15% SALE

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