Homeopathy for Health

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Offering the Best Selection of Unique Specialty Combinations
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Flu Remedies for 2024-2025
Cell Salts-Homeopathic Nutrition
Cell Salts

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How to Effectively Use Homeopathy- -
Expanded Step by Step DOSING Guide
      Answers to How Often and Duration
Basic 101-How and When to Take Homeopathy
Homeopathic Categories to Guide You
     Classifications for Potency Selection

Homeopathy FAQ's - -
Safety of Homeopathy
Is it An Alternative to Swallowing Pills?
Can I Use Homeopathy with Prescription Drugs?
Lyssinum and Homeopathy for Pets
Lyssinum and PET PRODUCTS

    Questions? 1-800-390-9970

POTENCY Guidelines- -
Describe Potency
Difference in Potencies
How to Choose Potency

Customer Testimonials:
"Really love your formulas. I look forward to getting
more! Thanks for all your good work, B.L. MA"

"Love your site and product explanations- makes it
incredibly user friendly. C.C. ME"

"Thanks for the amazing site. We are happy to have
found you. D.B. WA" - "Thank you for the wonderful

and easy to understand information on your website.
I am excited to begin this journey to wellness, Delma"

"Your Specialty Combos are working! Thank you for
devoting your life to all this. Barb D."

"I received my latest order - has to be the fastest
service ever to TX. I appreciate all the wonderful
formulas you provide. I always tell people they can
buy with confidence because your formulas work. Lisa H."

"My husband and I appreciate your hard work, kindness,
patience and tons of knowledge. Our lives have greatly
improved from your Specialty Combos and advice suited
for our needs. Always enjoy being able to speak to you
directly when placing an order. E. A., MO"

Listing of SPECIALTY Blends by Kathryn Jones Homeopathic Specialist available only at ELIXIRS.COM All products U.S. Made.

Allergy Combo in 30C and 200C
Anxiety and Stress in 30C; 200C
Arthritis/Joint Support in 30C; 200C
Back Pain / Nerve Pain Combo
Bladder Combo
Blood Pressure / Circulation Combo
Blood Tonic Combo in spray and pellets
Blood Sugar / Glycemic Combo pellets or spray
Bone Strengthener Combo various potencies
Bowel Combo 30C
Cardio Combo/ Heart Support
Chamomilla Ear Combo
Circulation Support
Cocculus Lightheaded Combo
Cold Combo with Zinc NEW !
Constipation Combo NEW! in 30C and 200C
Diarrhea Combo
Digestive Combo in 30C and 200C
Dizziness/ Cocculus Lightheaded Combo
Ear Combo
Essential Tremor Combo
EYE Glaucoma Combo
Fatigue Combo
Fever Combo NEW!
GERD acid reflux/ Stomach Combo
Glaucoma Combo
Glycemic Combo blood sugar combo pellets or spray



NEW! Hair Growth Combo
Hair and Skin Combo
Headache Combo 30C and 200C
ICV Combo / Ileocecal Valve
Infections / Sulphur Combo potency blend
NEW Inflammation Combo
Insect Allergy Relief Combo
Immune Support Combo
Injury Combo 30C $14.99 and 200C pellets and 1 oz spray
Injury Relief
Lightheaded Combo / Cocculus Combo
Liver Cleanse Combo NEW!
Lung Combo in 30C and 200C
Lymphatic Combo
Memory Combo 30C
Men's Blend 30C and 200C with Agnus Castus NEW!
Men's Combo with testosterone 6C
Meniere's / Cocculus Lightheaded Combo
Menopausal Combo in 30C and 200C
Menstrual Combo NEW 30C
Metal Detox Combo
Mold Mix
Multiple Glandular Support, original formula
Multiple Glandular Support with Liver
Muscle Combo 6C NEW!
Weight Loss / Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss Combo
Nerve Pain Combo 30C, 200C, 1M
Neuralgia Nerve Pain Combo
Nerve Pain Relief

Pain general - selection of combinations
Pain joint / Arthritis Combo
Perimenopause/ Menopausal Combo in 30C and 200C
Puffy Eye Combo / dark circles
Respiratory Combo
Sinus Relief Combo in 30C or 200C
Skin Renew Combo 30C
Sleep and Relax Combo 30C, 200C, 1M
SLIM Combo Weight Loss
Smoking - Stop Smoking Combo
Stomach Blend with H Pylori 30C
Stomach Combo
Sulphur Combo / Infections potency blend
Surgery prepare and recovery / Injury Combo

Teething Combo
Tinnitus / Ear Combo
Thrush Combo 6X NEW
Tremor Combo
Urinary Combo in 30C and 200C
Urinary Urgency / with Bladder
Uterine Combo 30C

Vitamin B Complex 6X 1 oz spray
Vitamin Multiple Complex 12X 1 oz spray
Virus Combo 30C
Weight Loss / Slim Combo
Weight Loss / Multiple Glandular for Weight Loss

    Cell Salt FAQ's - -
    FAQ's-What are Cell Salts, How Do I Use Them?
    Deficiency Signs that indicate the need of each Cell Salt.
    What is the difference between Bioplasma and the Individual Cell Salts?
    Bioplasma: Homeopathy's One-A-Day Bioplasma, Best Buy on 1000 tabs, for immune support, to enhance absorption of nutrients.
    Lactose Free-Cell SaltsIndividual and combo 12 All in One Cell Salts convenient 1 oz spray. Balances electrolytes, improves digestion.
    Cell Salts in economy 800 pellets
    Cell Salts On Special
    Kathryn Jones, M.Ed, DiHom, Homeopathic Specialist, feels that the Cell Salts are the best way to become introduced to Homeopathy and enjoy health benefits.
    Customer Testimonials:
    "I'm very pleased with your remedies. Helps me with my health issues." Iwona B
    "I am telling people about what your remedies have done for me. I am learning a lot and seeing the remedies work. Amazing." Carrie M.
    "You're my 'Go-To' for all things homeopathic. Thank you for the time you spend answering my queries. You are a blessing. SK
    "I feel confident with quality of your products." Heather J.
    "You are so good at helping people. I wish I had found you sooner!" Elizabeth R.
    "Bioplasma works: I work with a doctor that goes to Israel and the biggest health challenge is the effects of electrolyte imbalance and dehydration,
    whenever he makes his trip, he takes Bioplasma. I work with several construction workers, now the County is ordering Bioplasma to give to the flaggers
    that sit in the hot sun all day. I received a really nice note from them and a firefighters team that said Bioplasma is a God send and thanks. Dr Deb"

    "Love your site! Other sites just have advertising. I do a lot of studying and your site helps me with remedy decisions. Kristine B. WI."

    "Kathryn, Wow! Thank you so much for your courteous, thorough and insightful response. You really take time to answer questions and I recommend
    your site to everyone who will listen. You don't just sell products, you educate and offer real solutions. Jennifer G., TX."

    "I received my order. I thank you for all of your help and will continue to use your products
    as I am very happy with the results from them and your promptness. Antonia A., GA.".

    "Your site is revolutionary. I am so grateful for the balance of choices, directions, and price points. Thank you. Noell P. MT."

    "I love your Specialty Combos, because they work! Trisha"

    "Thank you so much Kathryn. Am grateful for your help. Your remedies are a game changer. Best wishes, Maria"
  • EMAIL consult@elixirs.com /  or kathrynjones188@gmail.com /  or Text 1-509-760-7112

    SHIPPING CHARGES: FLAT RATE $7.75 for online orders -NO MATTER SIZE of Online Order!!
    $7.75 for U.S. shipping / USPS per order / per address for homeopathic remedies within US or territories. Please call if shipping to a different address than billing to ensure delivery.
    International Shipping: $32 to Canada. $42 UK. $48 to India.
    We strive to ship orders within 4 days from receipt of order, excluding weekends, or special order items. We ship ALL orders U.S. Mail; 4-7 day delivery.

    1-800-390-9970, or 1-509-766-0182 Homeopathy for Health 3443 W Blue Heron Ln Moses Lake WA 98837 USA.
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    Site and Page Copyright © 2023. Serving online customers since 1997. Updated March 2025.
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